Arabic coffee

Arabic coffee is a general name that refers to the two main ways coffee is prepared in many Arab countries: Turkish-style, and Saudi Coffee. The Turkish coffee brewing method is common in the Levant, but brewed without the addition of sugar. Cardamom is often added, or it is served plain قهوة سادة qahwah sādah (lit. “plain coffee”).

Unlike Turkish coffee, a very similar coffee preparation method, Arabic coffee, is mostly served unsweetened. It is not uncommon for people to add sugar during preparation, though. Traditionally, Arabic coffee is prepared in a Dallah, and poured into demitasses. These demitasses are highly decorative and are known as Finjāns.

Arabic coffee is typically bitter, black and is brewed in concentrated form similar to espresso and in contrast to filter coffee and milk based espresso drinks such as cappuccino and latte.

Arabic coffee is brewed with Arabica beans, as opposed to Robusta beans. Arabic coffee is an integral part of  Middle Eastern and Arab culture. It is served traditionally for family events or when entertaining guests.

The existence of coffee and coffee plants were first recorded in the Middle East, specifically in the Yemen, in the 15th century, although indigenous cultures have likely brewed coffee or chewed on coffee beans for thousands of years.