About Us

I initially started this website with a group of three friends, all with a passion for coffee. We wanted to write about our love for coffee and to share our coffee experiences with a larger audience. Life has a way of moving people in unpredictable ways. Life eventually left me as the only active member on the website, out of the four founders.

In a market driven by sales and marketing, all products are supposed to be the best, and in a way, all are. So if all products and coffee makers are the best, and all coffee brewing is great, how do we choose  between them? 

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That was exactly our point when we started, it is still my point today. I try to make it easier for people to understand the differences between all the brewing methods, and between various coffee-making equipment and gadgets. In my opinion there is no bad brewing method, there is only poorly brewed stuff.

Brewing methods are mostly a cultural, and habitual choice, and extending this, up to a certain point even coffee beans are a habitual choice. Roasting choice can also be a matter of habit, and the act of changing the roast is a painful transition of days, but in the end, once used to the new roast you can't go back too easy to the old roast type. I only mention this because I want you to be confident in your taste. This is what I do here: I help you build your confidence in your taste, and I try to free your instincts from the coffee connoisseurs.

I love coffee in any form. Brewed with  pour over device, steeped in a French press, or pulled into an espresso shot. I consume coffee as a beverage, or as a ingredient in recipes, be it savory or sweets. 

I come across too passionate sometimes. You might notice that sometimes I give information that contradicts the consensus of coffee world. I especially disagree with coffee grinding standards, and with what is commonly referred to as "over extraction". If my "heresies" don't make sense to you, I would like to hear that in the comments area. Or if you are a blogger, make a post about it.

Yours truly passionate coffee lover,
